Costume Studio is a well-established business supplying the industry in all its forms. This includes film, television, theatre, the music sector, events, advertising and can mean a very broad brief through all the historical periods into the 20th century and beyond.
Day to day clothing, military uniforms, the services, medical, legal and so on. You name it we probably cover it or we will know someone who does.
So, whether a feature film, play, musical, documentary, comedy, a commercial, a viral, a music video, a wedding, an event of almost any kind; whether it involves hundreds of costumes or just the one please call Costume studio.
We work from extensive premises in Balls Pond Road, Islington where we have some parking. (See map). Call or email us and we will do our best to respond quickly. We personally answer all calls so there is no telephone menu to navigate. You are welcome to visit to see exactly what we have and goods can be selected and hired there and then. This website is not intended to show you the full extent of our stock but is rather a glimpse into the collection and an idea of how we work. As for styling we can always work from your ideas, images, designs or you can come along and we will guide you through the choices and help you make the selection.
We understand that some customers prefer to be left to get on with it and others require more help.